Deepening the Well
Deepening the Well
Bringing Sacredness to life

Sacred Invocations

Reweaving the Sacred

Divine Ceremony Creation



Crystal Shamanic Sound healing

Imagine yourself bathed in the vibration of sound and earth energies creating a sacred space for energy realignment and rebalancing. Through a process developed over the last 13 years, I sync up your energetic needs with over 100 different crystals, and use sound to move stuck emotions before they can manifest physically in your body. You will love this personalized etheric experience.

Sacred Ceremonies for any size group and any occasion

Guided by the earth and her elements, the moon, the sun and the seasons. Reweaving the ordinary to bring sacred healing and meaningful celebration into our lives. Nature Based ceremonies to honor our body temple and wild soul nature. We gather in circle to connect to our divine spirits, fall deeply into our authentic self and rise rooted in wisdom, joy and connection.

The ceremonies come from over 2 decades of a muti-linage path and will be created to engage all senses. From Weddings to Shamanic Journeys to Initiations, grief release and ceremonies for full life changes, we know no limits and explore all possibilities rooted in beauty and wholeness.

For new ideas to be translated into new realities requires not only clarity of vision but also the opportunity to change old realities.
— Riane Eisler

Together we rise rooted in our sovereignty, guided by grace, surrounded by beauty and filled with power.

I have called on the Goddess and found her within myself
— Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Mists of Avalon
Gabrielle’s compassion and wisdom are unparalleled. She brings an experience unlike any other, allowing one to both go inward and connect with others through unique ritual. She is amazing at facilitating both linear and quantum growth and healing. The space she holds is magical and priceless. Words fall short to describe this process, I can not recommend her highly enough.
— C. Rockzo Global Entrepreneur
Gabrielle is a gifted and intuitive healer. She embodies the divine feminine Goddess in all aspects of her life and radiates that truth out to the world. I’ve participated in many ceremonies with Gabrielle and they are always a source of deep transformation, healing and renewal in my life. I frequently recommend Gabrielle to my patients to facilitate their growth and transitions through ceremony and celebrations.
— Elisha Bokman ND, LAc
I had the honor of creatively collaborating and creating sacred space with Gabrielle regularly for about 6 years. She is a beautiful embodiment of the goddess and has a deeply cultivated Earth connection. Through her dedication she has cultivated an understanding of spiritual principles and honors individual spiritual paths. Sitting in ceremony with her is beautiful, authentic and profound. She holds space for us to experience real magic.
— Angela R. Owner Vitalize Community Studio



I will create ceremonies with the highest level of integrity. Every ceremony will be a partnership between you and I, as we walk into sacred space together. Each ceremony is different, and draws upon multiple traditions of sacred paths, and any energies we choose to invite….


About Me

MY NAME IS Gabrielle

I began working with the elements of magic and ceremony around the age of 13. The awareness of energy and wisdom of its use was passed down to me from my grandmother. At 20 my shamanic initiation onto the path of the Goddess began through direct initiation by Her. I now know I am and always have been a priestess and daughter of the sacred, divine feminine. For over 20 years I’ve created and co-created with my sisters, ceremonies to awaken and bring forth the Goddess within us all.

My path is wild and spontaneous by nature. Ideas and creations born on the wind, whispered from the earth, transformed by fire and blessed by water. Inspiration comes from many traditions and from the beauty that surrounds us.

It’s is my deepest honor to offer testimony to Gabrielle’s diversity of spiritual gifts which allows her to access information directly from the heart of our Holy and Divine Mother of Light, Shekinah and Earth, Gaia.
Gabrielle has the rare gift of all seers that allows her to download and then weave together unique invocations, rituals, prayers and plant medicine from the Divine Blueprints of individuals and collectives directly sourced from strands of the interconnected web of ALL life.
Time and time again I have witnessed her ability to bring forth energies of life that are “exactly” what is needed to support the spiritual and evolutionary growth of her clients and communities greatest good.”
— Peace, Love & Light Rev. Cristhal Bennett Director and Founder Silver Light Ministries Washington & California